
Satya joined the Emmaus Bristol team in December 2022 as our new Social Enterprise Manager. We did a Q&A with Satya to find out more about her role, why she wanted to work at Emmaus Bristol and what she’s got coming up…have a read!

What does your role at Emmaus Bristol involve?

I line manage the social enterprises inclusive of the three shops, eBay, our treehouse eco pods, our house clearances and delivery services. I also monitor our social impact and organise work coaching and job skill building. Sometimes it’s writing financial reports, sometimes it’s being out and about in the shops doing window displays with companions, and sometimes it’s organising events – I love that it is so varied. No two days are the same.

What helped you settle into your new role at Emmaus Bristol?

The people, staff as well as companions, have all been incredibly welcoming and made me feel very at home.

Why did you want to work at Emmaus Bristol?

I’ve been working in hospitality up until now, which I loved, but always wanted to give back in a role that really makes a difference to people. I felt this job combined my skills with my values. I feel very aligned with the objectives of Emmaus Bristol and believe that community support is crucial – lifesaving in many cases. Services are being heavily restricted by the pandemic and the cost of living crisis, sometimes leaving people to fall through cracks in the system. Access to safe homes, mental health support and non-judgmental professional development is so important to who we are and how we feel about ourselves. I am very happy to be contributing towards an organisation helping people get back on their feet after experiencing homelessness.

What is your favourite thing about Emmaus Bristol and why?

I like how much we all help each other – everyone does a bit of each other’s roles so you feel really supported. There’s always someone I can rely on to go to!

In your opinion, what is the most important thing people should know about Emmaus Bristol and why?

That when you receive a delivery, go into our shops and book in a house clearance, it is the companions who fulfil all that. They really go above and beyond to help customers. They offer to extend phone line hours, try to deliver furniture into a room where people are less able, come up with creative displays for the shops and offer themselves out to solidarity projects – whether that’s donating tents, clothes and sleeping bags to people experiencing street homelessness, or offering a days’ takings to the DEC earthquake appeal to help victims in Turkey and Syria.

Please share one thing that you’re excited to work on at Emmaus Bristol and explain why.

Working with the companions directly with their specific skill development within our enterprises is very exciting. Also reaching out to non-resident companions and helping connect people to accessible work coaching, housing and support.

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