Want a guaranteed, stress-free income while benefiting others? Emmaus Bristol is looking for landlords willing to rent directly to us.
We need houses for the people we support so they can move on from our communal accommodation and return to independent living and working. Our move-on homes are used by former companions and companions getting ready to move on, in a house share. They have much more independence – and responsibility – than living in Shaftesbury House.
Emmaus Bristol leases six houses from other landlords, at peppercorn or below market rents.

We are also looking for landlords who would rent directly to companions who are ready to move on. Read about how Sue helped Jim move on from homelessness.
Why do we need this?

Soaring rental costs and major changes to the benefit system have resulted in a desperate shortage of affordable housing, with 1 in 170 people in Bristol now homeless.
“Homelessness has increased across all measures since 2010, with many local authorities now seeing it as a risk to their financial sustainability.”
National Audit Office
“The number and proportion of households presenting as homeless due to the loss of private tenancy has soared since cuts to Housing Benefit began in 2011.”
“Bristol has ‘an increasingly unaffordable private rental sector.”
Bristol City Council