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Donate & Volunteer with Emmaus Bristol

We are in a homelessness crisis. Homelessness has been rising for years. In Bristol it’s evident from the tents and caravans and rough sleepers that appear periodically in our streets and parks.

Some are given a place to stay, others moved on. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many more hidden homeless, people staying on a friend’s sofa or in cramped temporary accommodation. Emmaus Bristol supports people to work their way out of homelessness, providing meaningful work, training, support and a stable home for as long as someone needs it. We also provide family homes. Can you help us to end homelessness?

Donate money

As a small local charity, your generous donations make a huge difference to the people we support.

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Find out about volunteering opportunities for individuals and groups.

Use your skills and time to help our charity.