Emmaus Bristol is working to support more non-residents with professional work experience. In addition to offering volunteering positions across our enterprises, we work with community payback clients and offer internships.
One of these programs is The Supported Internship, which is run by the City of Bristol College, supported by Sixteen-Coop. The aim is liaising with local businesses to provide work experience and skills to help the Interns to get a paid job in the future and be part of the community. The college facilitates work placements for students with a Special Education Need or Disability (SEND) who want to grow into the workplace. In Emmaus Bristol, this could be helping to organise stock in the warehouse or assisting with retail in the shops.
Our most recent intern, Abdi, pictured below during our royal visit, said:
“I was helped to gain skills in arriving to work on time by the college work coaches and the Emmaus Bristol staff. It was hard at first, but I got the support I needed to improve and now it’s better.”