We have exciting plans to create new, low-carbon and affordable rented homes on our roof.
Yes! On our Roof!

By thinking creatively, we have found land hidden in plain sight and developed a proposal for 15 new homes.
Our main motivation was to provide affordable homes for people (companions) moving on from our supported housing, while remaining connected to the Emmaus Bristol community. Some homes would also be made available to rent to other people.
We will submit for planning approval soon, but before doing so, we would love to know what you think of our plans.
We were hoping to have a display in our shop for you to look at, but lockdown 2.0 has prevented (or at least delayed) that.
For now, please read the information poster below, or download the PDF:

Once you’ve had a look at the plans, please answer our consultation questions: https://forms.gle/Si19NpEM4gFWZ57n7
Please submit your response by 9am Monday 23rd November.