
At Emmaus Bristol, we provide accommodation, support, training and meaningful work, but developing healthy life skills and following your passions are just as valuable when finding your feet after experiencing homelessness.

After a volunteer appeal on social media for a chef or nutritionist to run a cooking workshop for our companions, we were lucky enough to be contacted by Ben Harvey, the Executive Chef at Bianchis Group in Bristol. Ben led a masterclass in our community kitchen on Tuesday 21 February (pancake day) with two of our companions, Luke and David. In honour of pancake day, they made Crespelle – Italian savoury stuffed pancakes with lots of green crunchy vegetables on the side.

After the masterclass, one of our companions said “working with a professional chef bought back my passion for food again” and the recipe went down an absolute treat with our other companions for dinner too.

Often when people arrive at Emmaus Bristol, they have not been eating well, or consistently. The ability to eat well together as a community is an essential part of the support we offer at Emmaus Bristol. We are delighted to give our companions the opportunity to learn new cooking skills from a professional chef and would like to say a huge thank you to Ben for his time and expertise!

If you have skills and expertise in a particular area and are interested in running a workshop for our companions, please get in touch by emailing