In summer 2024, Gianni moved into his own place in a local almshouse for people aged 55 and over. We caught up with Gianni before he left to hear how he felt about his new home…

“I came to Emmaus Bristol four years ago during the pandemic and now I’m moving out. The flat I’ll be living in is beautiful and very nice, I can’t believe it. It’s a one-bedroom flat in very good condition and private. It’s been six and a half years since I had a place of my own because before I came to Emmaus Bristol, I was homeless. It feels like it’s time.
Before Emmaus, I was homeless for two and a half years, sleeping in a tent without benefits or any money. A couple of things went wrong for me before I became homeless. I was working for someone who was also my landlord, so I lost my job and accommodation within a few weeks of each other. A few months later, I also split with my girlfriend. It was a little bit of a mess. While I was homeless, I started to volunteer with a charity during the pandemic that helps homeless people and that’s how I found out about Emmaus.
I think Emmaus Bristol is doing a very good job. You’ve got a roof, accommodation, food, everything you could need. You get a small amount of money each week as well, but the money doesn’t really matter when you’re given everything else. Emmaus Bristol is a place where you feel safe which is good and important. It doesn’t push you; it gives you a chance and the time you need and that’s important too.
Emmaus Bristol is a nice place to stay, but I think it’s good for people to move on. That way, Emmaus can help many more people. I’m happy that I’m leaving and giving the chance for someone else to come in. I’ll still be in the city, so hope to volunteer in the Emmaus shops when I leave if they need me.”